

Photo Gallery of Old Hoo

East of the Village 2

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73 & 75 Stoke Road. Feb. 1985

73 & 75 Stoke Road. Feb. 1985

73 & 75 Stoke Road. Feb. 1985

Another view. Feb. 1985

After demolition. April 1985

April 1985

April 1985

1 - 3 Orchard Villas are now 48 - 52 Stoke Road

The entrance to the Pit.

Before the Peal Close develpment

Another view of The Pit road before Peal Close

The entrance to the Scout Hut. 1990, before development

The Scout Hut. 1990

Around the back of The Scout Hut

Hoo Scouts. 1962

Cubs on The Hoo Carnival 1967

This was Bevin's Butcher Shop and finally Tetts Agricultural Merchants

Another view of Tetts Shop.

Demolished to make way for Jennifer Court

A view of the area before Jennifer Court was built

The building of Jennifer Court

The Victory pub in August 1928

The Carpet Shop

Demolished in 2005

The Carpet Shop

The Carpet Shop

Latterly known as the Carpet Shop, this building was formerly a Fish and Chip Shop

Looking west along the High Street.

The houses on the right were called Crawfords Cottages